Thursday, October 1, 2009

Two month protest against logging continues up north

Well i talked about protests the other day and it is good to know that tangata whenua are not sitting down and taking abuse of the land or water.

"Maori protesters who have occupied Crown land near Omahuta Forest for two months are vowing to continue their protest despite the arrest of their rangatira."

"Whanau claiming "unextinguished aboriginal title" to about 450ha of Crown forest land Juken New Zealand leases say they will remain on the land until the Crown recognises their mana whenua."

I've posted about this before but let's just go over the complaints.

"They accuse the company of degrading the land and disturbing burial sites of their tupuna.

"The unlawful tenant, Juken New Zealand, has caused much damage to the whenua, logging sacred kauri, clearing vast areas of native bush and planting noxious pine forests."

Commercial forestry has also lowered water tables and polluted waterways, they say.

"Streams that were once rushing and flush with tuna – eel – run low because of sediment deposits and deforestation," they say. "

What do the tangata whenua want?

"They want the Crown to revoke a forest licence which gives Juken New Zealand exclusive use of the land for 35 years.

Juken New Zealand is extracting resources for profit and at the same time sacrificing the sustainability of the land. If left to continue, everything of value will be taken from the whenua."

Hapu with hereditary links to the land should decide how it is managed in the interests of biodiversity, the environment and future generations, they say.

"Te Whanau Pani is committed to halting further damage and restoring the lands to balance."

Yes! Give it back and let maori take control.

"Officer in charge at Kerikeri police station senior sergeant Peter Robinson says police are in talks with Juken New Zealand about how they can support them to resume logging. "

And the authorities are on the side of the big business - what a surprise. Yes, quick, help this multinational company with profit bigger than some countries, they are losing money. LOL

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