Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hey lets privatise water - then air, hugs, sunlight, mitochrondria and your DNA

Not surprising that they want to privatise the water - it will be the air next.
"The Government is planning to make it easier for private companies to take over water and wastewater services from councils.

Local Government Minister and Act leader Rodney Hide yesterday said "flexibility in delivery of water services" was part of changes to the Local Government Act 2002."
... "Under the act, councils can contract "any aspect of the operation of all or part of a water service"."
'Any aspect of all or part' - total wriggle room there.
"Green Party local government spokeswoman Sue Kedgley said the changes would effectively privatise all aspects of water supply services.

"This has the potential to be hugely harmful to the public," she said.
"This theft of the public's assets is alarming and dangerous."
Auckland water campaigner Penny Bright was totally opposed to the plan.
"In no way is the commercialisation or privatisation of water services to be supported."
She said water services should never be run to make a profit. Affordable water was a basic human right."
Basic human right - not everything is a commodity rodders. Is there anything you wouldn't sell - maybe your rosebud?

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