Saturday, July 11, 2009

Puketutu gets reprieve from treated waste


What fantastic news.

"A plan to dump more than 4 million cu m of treated waste on to an island sacred to Maori has been scuppered by the Auckland Regional Council."

I posted about this here. It just seemed insane to me and so insensitive to local tangata whenua.

"The 195ha island has been extensively quarried since the 1950s, leaving the southwest portion of the island "a series of water-filled voids", ARC documents say.

But an ARC/Manukau City Council consents panel this week rejected Watercare's bid, saying the dumping of waste would leave the island in a worse state and have "irreversible and adverse effects" on local Maori."

"The island was inhabited by Maori for up to 300 years up to the 18th century, and is considered waahi tapu (sacred).

At least 47 archaeological sites have been identified on Puketutu, though it does not have a high heritage rating, coming 240th of 242 listed geological sites in the Auckland region.

Iwi opposed the Watercare proposal."

Congratulations to the ARC/Manukau City Council consents panel, you have taken maori views into consideration and given them the weight they deserve. This will only lead to good things for your region.

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