Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Do you like the name Kowi?

Have you heard of kowis?

"A Kowi is person with a unique Korean and NZ fused- identity."

"The inaugural Kimchi and Marmite Conference ‘Finding Kowi’ last year discussed the Kowi identity and issues of what it means to be a Kowi. Building on last year’s conference, ‘Kowis in Action: When Kowis take flight’ will be more focused on offering practical advice and support for different fields of careers and pathways of study, as well as providing networking opportunities. The event is an open forum to inspire of younger generations of Kowis, as well as addressing and voicing their concerns."

What does the organisation believe in:

"Organisation Objectives
Celebrate: diversity and multicultural identity
Promote awareness: amongst Korean and New Zealand communities
Provide education and support:

Learning about "ourselves" as Kowis
Sharing this unique culture with the wider New Zealand society
Address key issues: In relation to multicultural identity, such as:

Identity crisis (internal)
Acceptance and belonging to a culture (external)
Self ostracisation or denial of heritage
General gap between parents and Kowis
Address key issues: In relation to intercultural relationships within New Zealand, such as:

Intercultural racism
Intercultural relationships
Cultural gap between Kowis and New Zealand society"

Okay, a few points from me.

I don't like the name Kowi - I appreciate the sentiment of trying to create an identity but we have to get the foundations of this country right before we can diversify into other internal catagories.

This is a NZ/Korean fused identity. Nothing about maori in there.

It is good that there is a conference - are there any tangata whenua speakers - explaining about the indigenous culture that developed in this land? Are there speakers who will explain about maoritanga and the history of this country?

I suspect these are retorical questions.

It is a mistake for people who move to this country to consider it multicultural. Once maori have been given their rightful place in our society we can move to biculturalism. Until then we are living under the yoke of colonisation. And under that yoke there is no NZ, just a house of cards built on illusory foundations.

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