Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mana building

This is good.

"Marlborough iwi could get Blenheim's Woodbourne Air Base as part of a Treaty settlement deal."

"Three iwi, Rangitane, Ngati Apa and Ngati Kuia known collectively as Kurahaupo have been negotiating over Woodbourne.
Chairman Richard Bradley said he was heartened by the defence review proposals that some properties might be better managed by the private sector.
"Certainly, that has been one of the Kurahaupo strategies; turning what's a deteriorating regional asset into something of more benefit to the local economy," he said."

"In a ceremony to sign February's agreement, Rangitane chairwoman Judith MacDonald told Prime Minister John Key the acquisition of Woodbourne Air Base would be a "deal-breaker".
Bradley said Woodbourne's "iconic" value was the reason it was so important to iwi.
"The iconic part of it, of course, is that our iwi has a long history of association with the Crown and all its wars."
Also, physically, to be seen to be the kaitiaki of a military base in the South Island.
"So there's those types of relationships which make it iconic. It's not just an old car park or a crusher works down the riverbank.""

As we know, it can be a double edged sword when you take over a ex or non exmilitary base. I hope they manage expectations well. The other aspect of the iconic status is that these bases are often in great spots, that inevitably have strong maori history attached to them.

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