Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Key - tell it like it is - we can take it

John Key seems to be doing okay but I do worry about this,

As Vernon Small in the Dom says,
"Unemployment is now set to go above the Treasury's previous worst-case scenario of 7.2 per cent, leaving a further 60,000 people jobless by next year.
Officials' latest predictions are increasingly pessimistic, as the recession appears likely to last more than two years.
But Prime Minister John Key says he is sticking to his "optimistic and sunny" approach, predicting a rebound at the end of the year."

"However, Mr Key repeated yesterday that he expected economic growth would rebound "quite aggressively". He said he had not given up on a recovery later this year.
That has put him at odds with Finance Minister Bill English, who believes a much slower recovery is likely because it will not be as easy to obtain credit as in past rebounds."

I think the Southland boy has a better feel for the truth.

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