Saturday, November 7, 2009

Protecting O Tu Wharekai for everyone, for ever

Upper Rangitata Photo PeterBray

It's great that the public get a say on the future of our rivers, waterways and wetlands - like in this example from The Timaru Hearld
"The public is set to get their say on the future of the upper Rangitata River.

The management of recreational opportunities will be outlined in a Department of Conservation discussion document, and DOC wants the public to be involved."
I have had and sometimes still have, real issues with DOC. But i'm pleased to give credit when it is due. DOC wants public imput and that is the way to do it.
"O Tu Wharekai (the upper Rangitata River and Ashburton lakes) is one of three wetlands around the country managed as part of DOC's Arawai Kakariki wetland programme."
Thank you for using the maori name.
"DOC community relations programme manager Gemma White said the area is the most intact freshwater and braided river ecosystem remaining in the high country.
"We want public feedback and comment about where and how public recreation opportunities are provided within this important area." Ms White said the Arawai Kakariki programme was aimed at restoring wetlands with the assistance of the community and increasing knowledge about methods for wetland restoration along the way.
"In addition to its outstanding biodiversity, O Tu Wharekai is highly valued for its recreation opportunities."
The discussion document is available to the public for comment until November 30."
Sustainability is not about locking people out it is about letting people in. The more we realise we are part of the ecosystem, we are part of nature - then the more holistic approach we will take with the ecosystems and the more success we will have in setting up sustainable approaches that allow recreation, conservation, relaxation.

Wetlands are such underrated yet important ecosystems. Teeming with life and essential for so many creatures both fauna and flora. To the unimaginative eye wetlands look like wasted space - (sarcasm alert) hey lets drain them - then we can build houses yay and make money double yay.

We need to maintain our wetlands and in some case revert land back to wetlands.

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