Further to the Ngai Tahu GNA issue.
Ōraka Aparima Rūnaka have completed their selection of the appointment committee and have elected their TRoNT Representative. Congratulations to Stewart Bull and Ann Wakefield.
I note that there are approximately 1500 Ōraka Aparima Rūnaka members who are non-contactable or GNA.
How could Runaka better track thier members whereabouts?
How does tikanga and whanaungatanga put food on our peoples tables?
What's people views about the qualifiying age to be recognised as a Kaumatua or has age got nothing to do with it?
Does putting up cow fences away from our rivers stop tutai getting into our mahinga kai places....doubt it? Whats the answer, how many of our whanau can even afford to buy butter?
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