Friday, June 12, 2009

Herewaka aka Harbour Cone

I think we should keep an eye on this story about the potential selling off of Herewaka (the hauling out place of the wakas) or Harbour Cone, as it is known in Dunedin.

Dunedin City Council took possession of the 328ha property almost a year ago and will soon be working on developing it's management plan for the iconic mauka.

"It could be September before the draft plan was completed, and might be October or November before it went to council.

Community consultation would follow that."

The worry comes from this statement:

"Cr Cull said the council had also made it clear at the time it purchased the $2.6 million block that it wanted to get a "good deal" of the money back.

The report from council staff was also expected to show how that could be achieved."

Right... Why do you want your money back? Is this just an investment for you DCC? You didn't but it for that reason did you? You bought the property to protect it and ensure that all Otakou-ites can enjoy it - didn't you?

My thinking is that many of these plans are just so short-sighted they actually end up being crazy. If the correct structure is set in place with the correct values and emphasis on tangata whenua and conservation then the payoff for all will come, it may take a generation but the payoff will be massively more than any short-term payoff. Of course all of the current council will have gone by then, and that's why they place emphasis on short-term solutions. If it is long-term they don't get the credit and kudos.

Give it back to the Papatipu Runaka - they'll look after it for you and your children after you.

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