Friday, May 15, 2009

maori will make the cycletrack unique

I'm a fan of the new cycleway initiative. Good on key for twisting english's arm up his back and signing off on the $50M. This isn't the whole answer but it does create some jobs: and the advantage of having a cycling holiday traversing the country sounds like fun to me.
The way to really get the project going is to think of ways to create experiences for the riders. Yes, the scenary is awesome but there are real advantages in building context around the journey. What better way than to offer people tangata whenua interpretations that actually mean something.

Could be something to mull over.


Anonymous said...

Yeah sounds good. The old rail track out to Wairewa/Little River from Christchurch hassome great potential for further development esp. the gravelly bits! Here's someones account of the trip with some pics
The local hapu are, I understand, planning some pou and other markers to help commmunicate the significance and beauty of the area from their perspectve

Marty Mars said...

Thanks anon, there must be heaps of tracks that could be used for this cycleway. It must be done in conjuction with local hapu and runaka, to create that special flavour that is us.