Tuesday, May 19, 2009

167,000 people a month projected to fly into queenstown

Forecasts for Queenstown international airport are that they expect more than 2 million visitors a year by 2037. That's 4 times the current amount!

So currently they get 500,000 visitors a year. That's 42,000 people a month, over 9,500 a week or 1,400 a day.

If it is 2,000,000 visitors a year, that is 167,000 people a month, about 38,500 a week or 5,500 a day.

That is a lot of people, and this is only the international flying visitors not the drivers or campervans or buses.

So it makes sense when they then say, "To accommodate such growth, the airport, at Frankton, needs to expand to the southeast rather than the northeast, leading to "discussions" with Remarkables Park Ltd for the required 22ha of land." doesn't it?
hmmmmm, in Auckland they have just dug up 85 maori to extend the runway for the rugby world cup.

hmmmmm, at the moment we have accomodation businesses falling over, perhaps it would make strategic sense for Ngai Tahu to get in there, after all those 167,000 people a month are going to need somewhere to stay and something eco-cultural-tourism to do and sorry, shotover jet doesn't fit into that!

To be honest I think Ngai Tahu tourism is a misnomer. There is no Ngai Tahu Tourism just businesses owned by Ngai Tahu that are in the toruism sector.

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