Tuesday, May 25, 2010

joint bid to put appeals on hold

This is smelly. Meridian like getting everything sorted before the court case and they have a system worked out - a system that has worked in getting DOC and some runaka on side with them, against the river and nature.

From NZH
"Meridian Energy and the Department of Conservation (DOC) have filed a joint memorandum in the Environment Court requesting the appeals relating to the Mokihinui hydro proposal be put on hold."
Meridian chief executive Tim Lusk said the project was proposed for stewardship land administered by DOC and required the consent of the Minister of Conservation to go ahead, as well as the usual resource consents."
Taking the time to carefully work through these issues before advancing to the Environment Court is the most logical and cost effective way of simplifying a complicated process for all concerned," said Mr Lusk.
He said that in applying for the minister's consent, Meridian may have the opportunity to address some matters raised by DOC in its appeal to the Environment Court.
"It would be more efficient and appropriate to see if we can deal with those issues as part of that dialogue," Mr Lusk said.
It seems that going direct to the minister may prove more fruitful - you can negotiate all of the little things out the way before.
Meridian is committed to the Mokihinui hydro project," he said.
And we are committed to stopping this damn dam. I like the red-tape and delays - anything that ensure the decision is put off and off until eventually it is too hard and too costly to go ahead.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I'd love to know how Kate Wilkinson's review into DoC's advocacy role is going. I haven't heard anything about that since February.

But yeah, it's sort'a suspect without more information.

Sometimes I'm confused as to whether the Department of Conservation is still the government's primary advisor on conservation issues, or if it's now the BlueGreens (as is claimed on the front page of the BlueGreens' website if you consider the National Party to be in government).

All of these fancily-named whiz-bang task-forces and appointed positions that seem to be less subject to the OIA and other forms of transparency that would normally apply to public servants make me less informed about where advice is actually coming from and how decisions are made. And that makes me sad.