Wednesday, June 16, 2010

crafar cows crap on historic waahi tapu and pa site

A historic pa site descecrated by crafar cows. Par for the course where maori sensibilities are concerned don't you think?

From Stuff
"Ngati Ruanui iwi is outraged that a waahi tapu and pa site, Te Ruaki Pa at Ohangai, owned by Crafar Farms has been damaged.
Debbie Packer, manager of Ngati Ruanui Group Management, said iwi discovered the damage when reviewing its waahi tapu sites over the last couple of weeks.
"It represents an area that was quite a masterful and unique pa. It's one of the most rare and beautiful examples of a terraced pa pre 1834.
"It's part of all our history from an era that you can't get back. We're really gutted," Mrs Packer said."
Yes we are too Debbie - it is so shocking to discover that generally people just don't care about maori history.
"Mrs Packer said the iwi was worried the property, which is being marketed for sale, would go to buyers who were either unaware of, or would not care about the historically important site on the farm.
Most local farmers respected waahi tapu and fenced them off or didn't stock them, she said.
The owners before Crafar Farms had fenced around the pa site but stock had been allowed on since they took over, Mrs Packer said.
"They could sell it to someone who doesn't give a hoot and a significant part of Ngati Ruanui and South Taranaki history will be completely ignored."
Very good points.

How about this - IT IS NOT YOUR LAND ANYWAY - give it back to the rightful owners not sell it to overseas interests.

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