Sunday, March 20, 2011

support for our struggle

The Aboriginal News Group is a group I am proud to be a member of. 
The ANG is an international people-powered indigenous-led news guild that exists to provide support and inspiration to independent Aboriginal bloggers, journalists and activists who report on news items of importance and interest to First Nations/Original Peoples.
Both the ANG and its international news-wire the Aboriginal Press News Service (APNS) are cashless, state-less entities that operate without a budget, contributors are not compensated and as a general rule we always use Internet services that provide freely available services to anyone regardless of nationality, race/ethnicity, geographic location or economic capability. We do this to provide an example to First Nations communities and activists without means that it is possible to produce informational media that can educate the international public about their issues and concerns.
Our struggles to achieve tino rangatiratanga are posted on the ANG site for the world to see. Our struggle is the same struggle that many indigenous peoples have - we are not alone - our voices rise up in harmony - our brothers and sisters join our chorus - inclusive and open we welcome all people to support us - we are all on the same waka and we need your voice.
For Immediate Release
ANG Statement of Support For Maori-Led Takutaimoana Hikoi To Parliament In Opposition To the Marine and Coastal Area Bill
At this time, the Aboriginal News Group (ANG) wishes to offer its support to the Maori people of Aotearoa with a statement of Indigenous solidarity and unity with those involved with the 2011 Hikoi (march) on the New Zealand government. We support their right to demand an end to discriminatory legislation and the ongoing colonial subversion of the Maori people and their ancestral territories.
Many of the original people of Aotearoa believe that the proposed 'Marine and Coastal Areas' legislation is unjustly slanted against their community and have chosen to take their grievances to the seat of colonial governance. While this bill ostensibly restores the 'right' under colonialist law for Maori to challenge state ownership of foreshore and seabed regions, it does not extend to the Maori people full, unrestricted ownership of said territories. So in effect, non-Maori interests will still have access to land areas that should rightfully be returned to and maintained by its original owners. A political state of affairs very common, and very detrimental to many Indigenous peoples across the Fourth World.
Before the arrival of Europeans, all of Occupied New Zealand was in the control and stewardship of the Maori and they have never relinquished their claim to Aotearoa. We support their struggle to demand full redress and compensation for their territorial and cultural disenfranchisement and we also commend those non-Maori who realise that by supporting the Maori people they are also standing up for their own best interests and better relations with the Original Peoples of Aotearoa.
We ask that all the peoples of the Fourth World and others of conscience support this peaceful action in defence of Indigenous/First Nations territorial and human rights.
The Takutaimoana Hikoi is due to reach Parliament on March 22nd.
For additional information about this release please contact: Aboriginal News Group (ANG)
As we support stuggles overseas, so our struggles are supported from overseas.

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