Friday, January 8, 2010

head in the sand time over

This idea, from Bolivian President Evo Morales to have an alternative climate conference, is a great one.

From censored news
"Bolivian President Evo Morales said Tuesday he's inviting activists, scientists and government officials from around the world to an alternative climate conference following the failure of a summit in Copenhagen to produce binding agreements.
The leftist leader said the April 20-22 meeting in Cochabamba will include indigenous peoples, social movements, environmentalists and scientists as well as governments ''who want to work with their people.''
This is leadership. it is impossible to imagine our fake leaders doing this isn't it? And of course they would never say the following:
"In his speech to the assembly and in a press conference during the summit, Morales railed against capitalism and imperialism, which he said spawned the problem of climate change by ignoring the rights of nature and the rights of indigenous peoples.
He denounced industrialized countries for pledging $10 billion a year to help countries meet the challenges of climate change, while spending ''trillions to fight unnecessary wars'' in Iraq and Afghanistan."
Time for action and this is a good start. Head in the sand time is over.
Hat tip censored news

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