Friday, November 26, 2010

beginning submission

The Maori Affairs Select committee is currently hearing submissions on the replacement to the Foreshore and Seabed Act. There are divisions within Maoridom, " members of a Maori Party branch gave differing submissions on it yesterday." - one supported and the other opposed.
From Claire Trevett NZH
Heeni Collins said she had initially opposed it until she read it fully. She now believed its provisions for customary rights and title were sufficient, provided tests of ongoing and exclusive occupation and use by iwi were applied flexibly. She it had to be acknowledged many iwi had shared their resources because hospitality was integral to Maori culture.
However branch secretary Roimata Tauroa, who also gave a submission, said the bill should not go through, saying it was no better than the 2004 Act and set tests that were too high for most iwi to meet. She said those who marched in the 2004 hikoi had expected more than simple repeal - but it had not been delivered.
Other submissions included mining interests - so what did they say?
mining interests also gave submissions yesterday, saying while they supported the overall changes they wanted more certainty for potential future mining of ironsands and oil.
Senior policy analyst for mining industry representative Straterra, Bernie Napp, said the bill risked creating uncertainty which could put off investors. He said it protected existing permits and resource consents but there was no protection for mining companies who currently had exploratory permits who might later seek a permit to mine the area.
Todd Energy senior executive Chris Hall raised similar concerns, saying the objective of the bill was to reinstate Maori rights while also protecting the interests of all New Zealanders. "We have reservations about whether the appropriate balance has been struck in this legislation to the extent it overrides our ability to explore for and produce petroleum in the national interest as well as our own."
IMO mining corporations goals of creating profit don't align with the national interest. Mining companies want zero impediments to mining - simple really, anything that negatively, potentially, affects the profit is a threat and maori will fall into that camp - eventually - but that will be after they have stripped everything of value off the land and the people and it will be after the promises and lies are shown up as the cynical manipulations that they are, until that day mining will be big buddys with maori, but the savages are watching and we won't get covered over by illusion and fancy words.

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