Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Losing Sacred Ground

What a great thing to be doing - saving and protecting sacred lands. Are we doing enough to save our sacred lands here?

Check out the  Sacred Land website for information about the outstanding work they are doing all around the world.

Losing Sacred Ground. I can't seem to get the embedded video going so so here to have a look.

"The 2005 World Wildlife Fund report, Beyond Belief, concluded: “Sacred sites are the oldest method of habitat protection on the planet.” Yet these biological and cultural treasures are under assault — as are the people who have been safeguarding them for millennia. Building on the success of our award-winning PBS documentary In the Light of Reverence, the Sacred Land Film Project (SLFP) is producing a three-film series for public television titled Losing Sacred Ground."
"The series will expose corporate and environmental assaults on indigenous peoples’ sacred landscapes and promote strategies to protect the ecological integrity of these endangered places. Losing Sacred Ground tells eight compelling stories of indigenous people resisting the destruction of nature and culture. This series gives voice to native people on five continents building a land rights movement to protect their traditional ways of life and spiritual practices, and exposes the greatest environmental and cultural challenges of our time as viewed from the unique perspective of indigenous elders and activists. The series is now half way through production and will be completed in 2011."

To support this kaupapa go here.

Hat tip Ahni at Intercontinental Cry

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